The planet is not just polluted but over polluted. Yet we don’t believe the situation is hopeless, technology that separates contaminated water (i.e. water mixed with oils) does exist and we foresee it becoming a lucrative franchise opportunity to have such mini-recycling venues in every city if not part and parcel of every filling stations service menu.
Red Dragon is in the process of negotiating the takeover of just one such pilot plant and expand its roll out.
We have two sectors in our drop-down menu with regard to purification. As you will see one being the recycling of oils as described above and the other being desalinization of sea water. Set to be the biggest provider of fresh potable water in the next 100 years. Technology will yet improve and profits are there to be made. We foresee this technology going hand in hand with fisheries converting salt water less vigorously into freshwater whilst allowing spawning to flourish. Its a unique idea which we feel has merit and are prepared to back it financially.